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Friday 23 December 2016

5 Signs Your Personality Is Intimidating To Others

Malcom X once said, “Why am I as I am? To understand that of any person, his whole life, from birth, must be reviewed. All of our experiences fuse into our personality. Everything that ever happened to us is an ingredient.”


Our experiences in life mold us into the people we are. Chances are, if you have a strong personality, it’s because you’ve had to have one- life throws curve balls, and you’ve learned how to throw them back.

It’s not a bad thing to be one of these people, even though you might feel like you’ve done something wrong by the way others react around you. Your career may have had a few hiccups, and your relationships are trademarked by tension, but your independent way of thinking isn’t wrong- it just rubs some people the wrong way.

You might have noticed that people are cautious when you approach, or when they see you, they give a quick hello, smile, and abruptly leave. The sad part of this is that some people don’t even realize that they’re coming off this way. More often than not, these people have a big heart and are very kind, but their strong personality makes them come off as aggressive or even rude.

Defining what a strong, or “intimidating” personality type is, can be difficult since it means something different for everyone. However, there are a couple traits and characteristics that seem to be quite common.


To be honest, it either sparks an anger inside of you (that you can’t keep silent about), or it makes you want to walk away without saying a word. This might be because most strong-willed people are also highly educated. After doing everything they could to understand as much of the world as possible (which requires a mind of openness), when they see someone who is willfully ignorant or judgmental, they simply can’t handle it, and they won’t tolerate it.


Conversations that invite intellectually stimulating discussion are always welcome, whereas mundane topics of weather and which celebrity is getting married, can leave you feeling frustrated and annoyed.
What Type Of Unique Personality Do You Have?

And yes, those with strong personalities are prone to telling others exactly what they think. This is especially true when the are concentrating on an important task and someone interrupts with small talk. They really just don’t have the patience or time to deal with trivial details.


One of the perks of having an open mind, is seeing opportunities where others see closed doors. Anything can happen with the right mindset.

This trait can help you survive (and thrive) when times get tough. The only issue you will encounter is when others show animosity and jealousy of your ability to succeed.


People that have a strong personality are known for getting things done. They keep their nose to the grindstone and work tirelessly to reach their goals. When a problem arises, they focus on solving the issue. Because of this type of mentality, these people do not tolerate the excuses of others.

If someone attempts to whine and complain to a person with a strong personality, with no regard to fixing their problems, they will find themselves alone. Strong personalities don’t pander to weak-willed individuals.


If you have a strong personality, then you are one of the few people who really say what you mean, and mean what you say. You’ve never been one to break a promise, or lie to a friend (even if you knew the truth would hurt), and people respect you for your honesty. But they might not appreciate it at the time. In fact, you’ve probably had someone tell you how much they dislike the words you told them, even though you said them with kindness and honesty.

This trait causes you to despise liars and people who couldn’t keep a promise to save their life. They say something you know is false and suddenly there is a fire inside of you. It just happens. Because of this, you pick and choose your friends wisely.

Does this sound like you or someone you know? Just remember, people who have a strong personality aren’t being rude, and they’re not trying to dominate anything or anyone. They simply can’t handle the masks of others anymore- it’s unnecessary and exhausting.


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